Sept 14 @ 7:30pm: Council meeting to discuss DDO Designation By-law

You are needed! Please come out to the town council meeting TONIGHT, Monday September 14 at 7:30pm. Your presence matters!

Tonight Council intends to pass the by-law designating the Dunlap Observatory property as a cultural heritage landscape.

We have concerns that there are too many loopholes and errors in this bylaw and that it will not be able to do the job it appears designed to do. Keep in mind that the by-law was released to the public on the Thursday night before the long weekend, with the Committee of the Whole meeting to discuss it on the day AFTER Labour Day, giving our community very little time to digest and analyze the contents of the by-law before Council’s only debate on it.   Concerned citizens have proposed a revised bylaw which would better protect the Dunlap property.  The revised version can be downloaded here:  Dunlap Revised Heritage Designation By-law.

Please come out to make sure Council does it right and gives this property the level of protection it deserves. You do not have to speak, but it’s important to come out so that our councillors know that you care about this issue.

You are welcome to speak for up to five minutes at the meeting. If you wish to speak, please email the Town Clerk  ([email protected]) to have your name placed on the speakers list by noon today:

Your Subject Line should read:

Request to be placed on Speakers List, Monday, Sept. 14th, Council Meeting, 7:30pm.

Include in the body of your request the following:

*You wish to speak to the matter of Agenda Item 1.12 – Designating By-law for the David Dunlap Observatory Lands-File no. D12-07228-123 Hillsview Drive- (SRPD. 09.092)-(Item no. 12)-(Proposed By-law No.100-09) and be placed on the Speakers List.

*Your name, address, phone number.

Your request will be confirmed by the Town Clerk early Monday afternoon via return email.

You can access the Dunlap draft by-law here: