RHN News

Archive for April, 2008

Astronomy Day – Saturday, May 10th, 2008

On Saturday May 10th from 6:30pm onwards we invite you to join us at The David Dunlap Observatory to celebrate International Astronomy Day and the launch of our new and exciting Richmond Hill Naturalists Astronomy Group – The AstroNats!

The evening’s event will include:

* A lecture/discussion in the main lecture room of the Administration Building at 6:30pm entitled: “Amateur Astronomy – An introduction to the experience of a lifetime!” This introductory and detailed talk will help make all our future AstroNats feel at ease with their new-found hobby. Speaking on this evening’s topic will be your AstroNat Chair Heide DeBond, Dunlap Public Outreach Specialists Ian Shelton and Tuba Koktay, and Karen Cilevitz who will be wearing her Amateur Astronomer’s Hat for this evening. This promises to be a very informative and fun hour and we will follow the lecture with an open question period to answer “Everything you ever wanted to know” about amateur astronomy.

NB: We have limited space in the lecture room so please email me (karen@gwsergo.com) with your name and the names of your party if you wish to ensure yourself a seat for this inaugural AstroNats talk.

* At the conclusion of our AstroNats talk we will then proceed outside and, both those in attendance of the talk as well as our guests who will have arrived outside on the lawns, will help us plant a special tree to commemorate the official launch of The AstroNats.

* Telescopes will be set up outside for public viewing as well and we will be viewing Venus before the sun sets, and selected targets after sunset.

* During outdoor telescope viewing we will offer Sky Tours of the night sky with detailed explanations of The Spring and Summer Night sky.

*A candlelight vigil for our Dunlap Observatory and Parkland will conclude our very special evening.

* A refreshment table will be available outside for all in attendance, and a fundraising table in support of The Richmond Hill Naturalists Legal Defense Fund, which is directly responsible for taking us to the Conservation Review Board Hearing sometime this summer to save and protect 100% of the Dunlap Site, will also be set up outside and various fundraising items will be on sale, including our spectacular Telescope Blueprint T-shirts and a brand new design which we will be launching to commemorate this special evening.

* There is no entrance fee to this DDO Defenders Event – we respectfully ask that donations of any amount you are comfortable contributing are made to the RHNats Legal Defense Fund Donation Containers that will be available in the entrance foyer of the Administration Building and outside on the RHNats Fundraising Table.

* Parking is extremely limited on-site and we need to accommodate our disabled permit holders and the elderly, so please park your vehicles on Hillsview and/or in the Montessori parking lot and enjoy the beautiful and relaxing walk up the Dunlap driveway as our trees dress themselves in their finest and newest greenery.

We look forward to welcoming you all on Saturday evening May 10th – please spread the news of our special event by word of mouth and your email address books. Our Facebook Site as well as the RHNats and Save The DDO websites will also carry the information for this evening.

See you all at The DDO on Saturday May 10th from 6:30pm onwards as we celebrate International Astronomy Day and The AstroNats!

Karen Cilevitz <karen@gwsergo.com>

Thursday April 17th: AGM and Potluck Dinner

Don’t miss our annual Richmond Hill Naturalists AGM and Potluck Dinner on Thursday, April 17th. Dinner will be at 6pm, followed by a guest speaker presentation at 7:30pm.

This year, the RHN is proud to present, Travels with Theo: Coastal Chile and Puru by Theo Hoffman, Pharmacist, Biochemist, Professor Emeritus of U. of Toronto, Serious Birder. Theo will present a stunning slide show and talk on his recent travels to South America and Easter Island.

The public is cordially invited to our speaker’s event. which is sponsored by the Richmond Hill Naturalists. There is no admission charge and parking is free. For more information, contact Marianne Yake, 905-883-3047. Location: Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church, Wallace Hall, 10066 Yonge St.

-Moai figures on Easter Island

-Humboldt Penguins on Islotes pajaras

-Moon Valley, Atacama Desert
