RHN News

Boreal forests: the Carbon the World Forgot

Boreal forests store more carbon than any other terrestrial ecosystem on earth – twice as much per area as tropical forests. Past estimates of this carbon greatly underestimated the amount, depth, and longevity of this carbon. As the most intact remaining forest on earth, the boreal forest also has exceptionally high potential to accommodate plants and animals forced to shift due to climate change.

Canada hosts most of North America’s Boreal Forest. Canada’s vast Boreal Forest stores an estimated 208 billion tons of carbon (71 billion tons in forests4 and 137 billion tons in peatlands5)—the equivalent of 26 years worth of global carbon emissions from burning fossil fuels.

This BorealBirds.org report questions whether international negotiations on carbon and forest protection have adequately considered boreal forests in light of the scientific findings outlining their significance.  For more information, please visit BorealBirds.org

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